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Autoresponder seriesViews: 228
Jul 16, 2006 2:20 pm re: Autoresponder series

Andrea Flowers
Hi Ron,

I was also searching for an autoresponder to help me follow up with prospects, but the ones I found were too restrictive or required that I do double typing when someone signed up for a gift account. So, I decided to build one myself.

Here's how it works...

When someone visits my Web site, they enter their name and e-mail address in a small form. The autoresponder immediately send them an e-mail with login information to SOC (this is set up using the SOC automatic gift account settings). From there, they can log in and set up their gift account and start using the system. This also enters their contact information into your SOC contact manager. If you want to set up follow up serial messages, you can create them in the autoresponder and send the prospect different messages at intervals you set. It works pretty well for me because it saves me lots of typing and followup work.

You said that you purhcased 10,000 leads... This is perfect because you can just upload the list and let the system do the rest.

If you are interested, I can build one for you too. PM or e-mail me to discuss the features in more detail.

Here are some of the features:

* Use on Unlimited Number of Domains. You can put our autoresponder to work

for you even on your free-hosted webpages.

* Send Unlimited Number of Follow-up Emails. You can send follow-up email

everyday if you want. Some autoresponder services allow you only 20

follow-up emails.

* Works on Unlimited number of subscribers. It will work great even if you

have 100 or 1 Million subscribers.

*Fully automated, will work for you 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week

*Super fast email delivery - 600 emails per minute

*Automatically wraps words at 65 lines per line.

* Full Customization - can send emails with actual names of clients and

email addresses

* Customized "Thank You" Page. You can set-up a thank you page after your

client has subscribed.

* All follow-up emails can have an attachment - you can attach any file type

to your email messages up to 2MB

* You can manually Unsubscribe any email addresses

* Your subscribers can also automatically Unsubscribe using a Link in every

email message

* Power Checking of Duplicate Email Addresses. Once an email has been used,

it will delete the same email address if use in subscribing again. You

free-up yourself in cleaning your database of duplicate email addresses.

* Very easy to use Admin Control Panel where you set up your follow-up

emails in a matter of minutes.

* Super easy to Export Email Addresses

* Super easy to Import Email Addresses

* Subscription Box automatically generated for you

* You will never be accused of spamming. You will always have an email sent

to you as a PROOF of the actual email address and IP address of your


* You will receive a report every time a follow-up is sent to your

subscribers. You will always know what you autoresponder is doing for you.


* Your own Web site. If you don't have one, I can set one up for you.

* Automatic Gift Accounts must be activated in your SOC card manager.

Web Host Requirements

* Unix Operating system (linux/FreeBSD)

* Perl5 Interpreter (standard on unix machines)

* SendMail (standard on unix machines)

Andrea Flowers
“Changing Lives One Card at a Time”


Private Reply to Andrea Flowers (new win)

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