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Article: How to earn my respect and reap big benefitsViews: 266
Mar 01, 2007 10:01 pm Article: How to earn my respect and reap big benefits

greg cryns
How to earn my respect and reap big benefits

I met this fellow, Matt, on MySpace. His interests are similar to mine in that he wants to grow his business by the idea of "give then get". I am learning more about online networking each day now. The main thing I've learned is to never ever try to sell someone on the first contact in a networking situation.

I often get messages on social networking sites that go like "Nice to meet you, buddy. Come take a look at my $10,000 idea (link here)." The people who write this type of message are clueless, in my opinion. Their efforts are pretty much wasted.

Let me tell you, Matt over-gives if that is possible. He has at least six audio presentations on his website that you can listen to at no cost and they are chock full of great information.

I like Matt because when I listen to his tapes I come to the conclusion that there is not trickery there to try to get you to buy something. Of course, Matt DOES want you to buy something from him in hte long run, but he is willing to give away scads of stuff to earn the right to take your money when the time comes, and that time is totally up to you.

He sends me an email a day either through MySpace or to my email account. Because I know he will not be hawking his wares and because I know he always has a gem of an idea to share, I open his email and eagerly read it.

A few days ago I forked over $99 to join his upcoming teleseminar. Let me tell you, I am the king of cheapskates when it comes to buying stuff on the web. I've learned my lessons after a long time. Matt broke through my defenses because I think of him as my friend, as a person who would never ever cheat me. Plus I am savvy enough to know when I need expert help and just who the true experts might be.

Today I received an email from him. Here is the email:

< snip>

Hey there greg...how's your Myspace campaign going?� Driving in the leads yet?� If not you should take advantage of my open phone hours today and give me a call to pick my brain a bit.� Getting great leads from Myspace is really easy (if you know how to do it that is!).� I'm here to help so give me a ring at 555-555-5555. (obviously I had to change the phone number)

< /snip>

Isn't that a good idea? Matt is willing to risk his valuable time for some people he is networking with. I guess he thinks I am someone worth cultivating. I did call and his wife said he was out but that he would return my call as soon as he got back home.

It's hard to forget someone like this.

Hey, if you have the time, take a look at my marketing blog. Yesterday I wrote some cool stuff about YouTube and how you can use it to your advantage.

My Blog: http://www.gregcryns.blogspot.com/


Greg Cryns

Wahm Search Engine - http://www.wahmsearchengine.com
Check out - http://www.workathomeprofiles.com
Social Networking Lessons: http://www.squidoo.com/goaffiliate


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